MovableType function has been ported to PHP, by Adam Kalsey. Now you can create dirified filenames of any string you use this function with." />
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This popular MovableType function has been ported to PHP, by Adam Kalsey. Now you can create dirified filenames of any string you use this function with.

function dirify($s) {
$s = convert_high_ascii($s);  ## convert high-ASCII chars to 7bit.
$s = strtolower($s);           ## lower-case.
$s = strip_tags($s);       ## remove HTML tags.
$s = preg_replace('!&[^;\s]+;!','',$s);         ## remove HTML entities.
$s = preg_replace('![^\w\s]!','',$s);           ## remove non-word/space chars.
$s = preg_replace('!\s+!','_',$s);               ## change space chars to underscores.
return $s;    

convert_high_ascii($s) {
$HighASCII = array(
"!\xc0!" => 'A',    # A`
"!\xe0!" => 'a',    # a`
"!\xc1!" => 'A',    # A'
"!\xe1!" => 'a',    # a'
"!\xc2!" => 'A',    # A^
"!\xe2!" => 'a',    # a^
"!\xc4!" => 'Ae',   # A:
"!\xe4!" => 'ae',   # a:
"!\xc3!" => 'A',    # A~
"!\xe3!" => 'a',    # a~
"!\xc8!" => 'E',    # E`
"!\xe8!" => 'e',    # e`
"!\xc9!" => 'E',    # E'
"!\xe9!" => 'e',    # e'
"!\xca!" => 'E',    # E^
"!\xea!" => 'e',    # e^
"!\xcb!" => 'Ee',   # E:
"!\xeb!" => 'ee',   # e:
"!\xcc!" => 'I',    # I`
"!\xec!" => 'i',    # i`
"!\xcd!" => 'I',    # I'
"!\xed!" => 'i',    # i'
"!\xce!" => 'I',    # I^
"!\xee!" => 'i',    # i^
"!\xcf!" => 'Ie',   # I:
"!\xef!" => 'ie',   # i:
"!\xd2!" => 'O',    # O`
"!\xf2!" => 'o',    # o`
"!\xd3!" => 'O',    # O'
"!\xf3!" => 'o',    # o'
"!\xd4!" => 'O',    # O^
"!\xf4!" => 'o',    # o^
"!\xd6!" => 'Oe',   # O:
"!\xf6!" => 'oe',   # o:
"!\xd5!" => 'O',    # O~
"!\xf5!" => 'o',    # o~
"!\xd8!" => 'Oe',   # O/
"!\xf8!" => 'oe',   # o/
"!\xd9!" => 'U',    # U`
"!\xf9!" => 'u',    # u`
"!\xda!" => 'U',    # U'
"!\xfa!" => 'u',    # u'
"!\xdb!" => 'U',    # U^
"!\xfb!" => 'u',    # u^
"!\xdc!" => 'Ue',   # U:
"!\xfc!" => 'ue',   # u:
"!\xc7!" => 'C',    # ,C
"!\xe7!" => 'c',    # ,c
"!\xd1!" => 'N',    # N~
"!\xf1!" => 'n',    # n~
"!\xdf!" => 'ss'
$find = array_keys($HighASCII);
$replace = array_values($HighASCII);
$s = preg_replace($find,$replace,$s);
About the author
Adam Kalsey is a pioneer on the latest web technologies, and his technical expertise is of great use to any company or person.

Adam Kalsey has written 1 codesnippets.