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Javascript Developer's Resource: Client-Side Programming Using Html, Netscape Plug-Ins and Java Applets (Resource Series)

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Spotlight Customer Reviews

Average Customer Rating: 1.33

Customer Rating: 1
Summary: Index? What's that?
Comment: On top of what others already said about this book, the index is completely useless!! It is all of almost 7 pages long, and that is with a large font, double line-spacing and a single column. I think the average letter has 10-15 references. This is WAY too little for an almost 600-page book. Books of this size usually have an index of more than 25 pages, in a smaller font, with 2 columns on a page.

I don't know how Prentice Hall could ever release this.

Customer Rating: 1
Summary: The (so-called) editors of this book should be ashamed...
Comment: ... and so should the person who named it. This book is not what I think of as a developer's resource (though it does at least contain an Appendix listing Javascript objects, properties, and methods). It *could have been* a good guide for the Javascript beginner, but it is positively riddled with errors of every conceivable type -- from typos and English usage errors through code listings that are just plain wrong.

from p.91: "Line 6 [of the listing on p.88] declares a local variable, i, in the function with the var i statement."

[KG] . . . Look at line 6 -- it's empty! In fact, nowhere in the listing is the variable i declared.

from p.77: "a = escape("Bugs Bunny") // a = "Al%20Bundy""

[KG] . . . Uh, really?? escaping Bugs Bunny turns it into Al Bundy?

from p.89: if (selectObject.options[i].text == "March") str += " c1"

if (selectObject.options[i].text == "July") str = " c3"

[KG] . . . I didn't post the entire listing, but the third through fifth lines use "=" (incorrectly) rather than "+=" (which means that if you choose the March and/or May from the select box, the code works as described in the text, but if you choose any of the other months, it doesn't).

There are also omissions and inconsistencies and formatting boo-boos.

from pp.55-56: in Table 2.5, "HTML statements that allow embedded JavaScript for Navigator 2.0," the list goes from through