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Blacklist that spam, with PHP!

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Creating our blacklist system is very. The first thing that must be done is open the blacklist. This is easily done using the file() function.

// Open blacklist file
$blacklist = file("/home/you/public_html/blacklist.txt");

The blacklist is now loaded in an array called blacklist. Each entry is a separate array item. All that�s left to do is loop through each entry, using foreach(), then checking if the entry isn�t a comment or blank, and finally checking the message for that entry, using preg_match() (after all, we did want regular expression support). The code looks something like this:

// Loop through blacklist, and check message
foreach ($blacklist as $item) {
        // Check if item isn't empty or comment
        $item = trim($item);

        if (!empty($item) AND substr($item, 0, 1) != "#") {
                // Not a comment, or empty, check message
                if (preg_match("/" . $item . "/i", $message, $match)) {
                        // Blacklisted URL found
                        die("Sorry, your message has been denied because a blacklisted URL (" . $match['0'] . ") has been found.");

That�s all there is to it. You can certainly make it a bit better by changing the error message, checking other fields (e.g. a separate �homepage� field), and even including relevancy points. But the above code will already stop a hell of a lot spam, if you�ve got a decent blacklist.

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About the author
Dennis Pallett is the main contributor to PHPit. He owns several websites, including ASPit and Chill2Music. He is currently still studying.
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